Many of us may have heard of the Telegram. But many of those things are wrong. Telegram was once the most popular app on the WhatsApp, an Indian based instant messaging app. But the Telegram is not made in India, and the Russian Pavel Durovo is behind it. Why Telegram? Telegram is an open source cloud based instant app. Because it is cloud based, we can use Telegram on different devices at the same time. Priority is given to the privacy of the telegram user. Telegram uses the protocol MTProto .This prevents hackers from leaking data .We can secure the account with stop verification so that we do not have to log in even if we lose our mobile. Another important feature of Telegram is the ability to chat with others without sharing a number. Telegram does not transfer user data to anyone. Therefore, the telegram is well used in illegal activities. Secret Chat: End To End Encryption is used for secret chat. The Telegram says such messages cannot be retrieved. Telegram users have also been challenged to pay back.
The Telegram will pay $ 30,00,000 if it breaks. We can decide how long to stay in the hands of the recipient of the message being sent in the secret chat, so that the message sent cannot be forwarded. Such a message cannot be taken as a screenshot from Lollipop on Android. If you take the KitKat version, you will also get a notification! Channel: The channel is used for one way communication .We can share anything through the channel. We do not know who manages the channel. Channel has no member limit. Super Group: These are groups that have full control over the admin. Let’s add 50000 members to the group. Admin can delete any message sent by group members. The sender can delete it as well.
The admin can decide who in the group can send the message and who can send the sticker, gif and link. Boats: Boats are a third party computer program. Many bots are available on Telegram to download YouTube / Facebook video, read social media feeds and create polls. Telegram offers unlimited cloud storage. Any file up to 1.5 GB in size can be transferred and the document can be forwarded without downloading. Another feature of Telegram is that we can edit the message we send, create our own sticker pack, play the video Telegram itself with some services like inbuilt music player, video player, telegram, instant view, medium and instant view information from sites that support telegrams without the need for a browser. 50000+ people join Telegram every day. Powell has said there will be big changes in the telegram in the new year
Telegram has shocked us again with some new great features. Features include in-app video editor, animated stickers, talking gifs and two-factor authentication. In 2015, Telegram introduced the first photo editor. Telegram combines this media editing tool with animated stickers and a video editing feature. Factors such as brightness and saturation can be adjusted in videos. Telegram does all of these elements to enhance the video quality by tapping twice on the videos. Images and videos can be zoomed in on the media editing tool to use the paintbrush accurately. Animated stickers can be added to pictures and videos. Images and videos can now be easily gifted and changed via the media tool. With the introduction of talking gifs, their loading time has also been improved. Flexible folders have been introduced to sort chats by type. This allows you to move chats into separate folders. Two factor authentication is also included to enhance the security of the Telegram account.